
People love their coffee. Nowadays, having your own coffee maker has simply become a necessity. However, with the sheer number of models and brands available on the market today, finding the right one can be quite a challenge.

Luckily for you, we have you covered in that regard. This article presents readers with a quick breakdown of the latest elite coffeemakers available. It provides a brief overview of what we think makes these particular models standout from the rest of the crowd.

The Behmor Brazen Plus

The Brazen Plus is the latest coffeemaker model from Behmor and it can be yours for 158 bucks. The first thing you will notice about this machine is the sheer number of ways to adjust and control the coffee-brewing process.

For instance, the Brazen Plus lets you make adjustments to the water temperature. This may not seem like much but coffee enthusiasts would tell you that this is vital if you wish to achieve the perfect heat and bring out the full flavor of the beans. At the same time, the machine also lets you control the presoak time as well as give you the option to manually release the coffee into alternative brewing vessels.

Of course, no machine is without its flaws and the Behmor Brazen Plus is no exemption.  Its main weakness lies on its long brew cycle that essentially consumes more coffee than it needs to when making smaller pots of quality java. Aside from that, its thermal carafe does a lackluster job of keeping the liquid hot. You would be surprised to find how quickly it can cool down.

Overall, however, it is a pretty good machine perfect for coffee lovers who love to tinker with the way they brew their drink.

Bonavita BV1900TS

At 100 bucks, it is definitely a smart investment. The Bonavita BV1900TS is able to deliver on its promises and more. With this machine, you can get the optimal level of premium coffee brewing at a much cheaper price.

The drip machine is pretty compact and can be easily tucked into any corner of your coffee bar. It makes use of a simple design and therein lies the problem for some people. Upon seeing the model, you may think it unexceptional because of its appearance. However, this is a clear case of do not judge a book by its cover. You would be doing yourself a disservice if you decide to skip this machine based on its appearance alone. Without a doubt, this machine can make a better cup of coffee than its other more attractive counterparts.

The Bonavita BV1900TS coffee maker is one of the best machines available on the market right now. Not only is it easy to maintain and simple to use, it also makes the best cup of coffee.

If you are looking for a new machine or a replacement for your current coffeemaker, we highly recommend that you add this one to your list.

This article presented readers with a simple breakdown of the best coffee makers on the market today. Make sure that you give both of these a try.

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If you have been around the coffee block a couple of times, then you would understand the fascination with espresso. It is simply one of the best ways to drink your coffee. With just a shot, you get that kick you desperately need.

This article briefly explains everything you need to know about these wonderful coffeemakers. It delves into how they work as well as their sub-categories. After all, there are a lot of them on the market right now. It is vital that you pay close attention if you want to get the right one for you.

How does it Work?

Basically, espresso makers are able to deliver that concentrated flavor by taking a small amount of water and forcing it through the finely ground coffee. The end result is a shot of espresso. This concentrated cup can be consumed as it is. However, if you are feeling adventurous, you can take the shot and make it a base for another coffee drink.

As you know, espresso is the main ingredient for popular drinks such as Café Americano, mocha coffee, Cafe latte, cappuccino, and macchiato among many others. The manufacturers are well aware of this and that is why the typical Espresso machines also include a steaming wand which is used to make the steamed milk vital for lattes as well as the froth for cappuccinos.

Types of Espresso Machines

It always surprises many to find out that espresso machines are sub-divided into several categories. There is no need to be confused about it, however, as we shall be explaining the major characteristics of each one.

  • Pod-based – These espresso machines make use of packets that contain various types of coffee drinks.
  • Steam – This type of espresso maker is actually the most affordable option available to consumers. However, they do not make full use of the pressurized system that other espresso machine types utilize. This can have a detrimental effect on the flavor and the texture of the coffee it makes. Oftentimes, its quality resembles the coffee made by drip coffeemakers.
  • Super-Automatic – This particular espresso machine provides its users with an unparalleled level of convenience. With a simple press of a button, it will take care of everything for you. As its name suggest, everything is automated from grinding the coffee beans, to dosing, tamping, and the actual brewing your espresso. All you need to do is take the drink in your hand and enjoy.
  • Semi-automatic and automatic Espresso Machines – This is the machine for users looking to do some of the work themselves. It gives you an additional degree of customization as well as control. You can choose to grind or tamp the coffee yourself as well as adjust the water and steam pressure as needed. This desire to control how coffee is made is perfectly understandable, as real coffee connoisseurs can be particular about their drink.

This article delves into everything you need to know about espresso machines and finding the best drip coffee maker. If you are looking to have full control over the type of drink you consume, then you can also visit for this type of coffee maker along with product reviews and lowest prices too.


Coffeemakers come in all shapes and sizes. They have different types which serve particular types of coffee drinkers. The most popular of these are probably the drip coffeemakers and the coffee presses. To help you decide which one best suits you, this article breaks down each of their essential elements. It is vital that readers pay attention so that you can have a better understanding of how these machines actually work.

Drip Coffeemakers

This machine is still easily the most popular choice for many coffee drinkers. This is probably because of its sheer simplicity and convenience. You can certainly rely on it to make your coffee and do it quickly. More often than not, these machines are found in households and office spaces.

This is because they are designed to focus on quantity. An average drip coffeemaker can make at least 8–12 cups per carafe. This makes them perfect for households with more than one coffee drinker and for workplaces in order to boost productivity. Aside from that, they also give you the opportunity to serve multiple people at any given time.

Of course, these coffee machines are best known for their simplicity. It does not offer the same level of customization for your drink but it gives you an unparalleled level of simplicity. All you need to do is put in the water and the coffee grounds before hitting the on button.

When looking into the best drip coffee maker, there are different brands of these coffeemakers in the market. Knowing this, it would serve you well to look at the many new features they offer. For instance, there are models which are multi-functional, letting you heat up water for your tea as well as your coffee. You also have the option to buy a drip coffeemaker with a built-in coffee grinder.

Coffee Press

Also known as the French Press, this is the type of coffeemaker for the people who value the rich flavor that coffee should have. Instead of focusing on sheer quantity, it pays attention to the quality of the drink. It provides its users the complex coffee flavor at an affordable price. With this coffeemaker, you can get that espresso you love without having to buy the expensive machine.

It is worth noting that these coffeemakers are completely manual. However, it should come as no surprise that it is actually very easy to use. All you need to do is put the coarsely ground coffee beans of your choice with the hot water. Let it brew for several minutes then give it a quick stir before pressing down on the plunger. The final step serves to separate the beans from the liquid, letting you enjoy your finished coffee in peace.

Like their drip counterparts, these coffeemakers also come in a variety of sizes. A typical coffee press should have no trouble brewing 1 to 4 cups at one time. While not as much as most drip coffeemakers, you can rest assured that you will get a fuller flavor and rich texture with coffee made from a press.

This article presented everything you need to know about coffee presses and drip coffeemakers. Hopefully, this should help you decide which one would be perfect for your needs.


If you are like most people, then chances are you simply cannot get enough of coffee. It is an essential part of any day. It is the drink that gives you the much needed boost to get through the rest of your day. That is why it is vital that all households have a reliable coffee maker in the premises.

Of course, choosing the right coffee maker for you is often easier said than done. Most people do not realize that there actually come in a number of different forms. This article will help you pick the one that is perfect for your needs. To make it easier for you, it presents all the factors that you need to take into consideration when choosing a coffeemaker.

Things to Consider

The things most people need to understand about coffeemakers are that they come in different forms. Each one of these caters specifically to a particular type of coffee drinker. That being said, you need to think long and hard about what type of drinker you are and what you tend to look for in your coffee. Take into account all the relevant factors such as the taste and the number of cups you make with a single brew as well as the level of convenience that comes with that drink.

It is vital that you give this some thought as your answers will definitely influence your choice of coffee maker.

Different Coffeemaker Types

Readers should pay attention to the subtle differences between these coffeemaker types. While all of them essentially perform the same thing, the main difference lies in how it does that job.

  • French Press – Also known as a coffee press, this is the coffeemaker for drinkers who appreciate the rich and full-flavored coffee. The first thing people notice about it is that it is completely manual. It is also simple to use. All it requires is for the user to put coarsely ground coffee beans and hot water into it for several minutes. After leaving it to brew, the user will then press down on the plunger. This serves to isolate the coffee grounds from the drink itself. Needless to say, this is the coffeemaker for people willing to take the time and effort it requires.
  • Espresso Maker – This is another popular choice for coffee enthusiasts as it completely eliminates the need for you to visit one of those coffee shops. This particular coffee maker lets you brew more complex types of coffee drinks with just a few clicks of the button. Be forewarned though, as espresso makers usually have a steep price tag.
  • Drip Coffeemakers – This is the conventional choice for most coffee drinkers. It requires little effort and familiarity. In fact, the only switch that can be found on it is the simple on and off button. This is the coffeemaker for the people looking to brew multiple cups at a time.

It always comes as a surprise to many that coffeemakers actually take on a number of different forms. This article gives readers a simple guide to choosing the right one for their needs.


Everybody loves a good cup of coffee to start out their day. It is one of the most effective ways to get that boost to get you need to go about and get things done. However, most people do not realize that their coffee makers need to be properly maintained if you wish to continue enjoying that perfect drink.

This article delves into the importance of coffee maker maintenance. It presents the common misconceptions surrounding the issue as well as the proper way to go about it.

Why Clean Your Coffee Maker?

Several studies have found that no less than half of coffee makers beings used today have yeast and mold cultures growing in them. It is said that most coffee reservoirs in households have larger germ populations than a toilet seat or a bathroom door handle. There are even some instances when Coliform bacteria have been found present in these brewers.

This is mostly due to the moist environment in these machines. Mold and bacteria are known to grow thrive in these types of conditions. Needless to say, these elements would inevitably enter your body’s system. While your immune system could protect you for a certain period of time, the bacteria could easily accumulate and multiply in your body with continued intake of contaminated coffee. Needless to say, it is vital that you clean your coffee makers regularly.

Cleaning Your Coffee Maker

There are a lot of myths and misconceptions surrounding proper coffee maker maintenance. For instance, some people believe that hot water is enough to ensure that the all the germs and bacteria are gone. Unfortunately, this is not the case.

Before anything else, you will need to prepare everything you need. Empty the carafe and replace the paper filter with a new one. Once that is done, prepare a solution that is equal parts white vinegar and water.

To effectively clean the Coffee Maker, you will need to fill its water chamber with the vinegar and water solution. Allow it to brew until the chamber is halfway empty then turn it off. Let the solution sit there for about 30 minutes to an hour before finishing the brew.

Once that is done, you will need to rinse the machine thoroughly. Replace the paper filter from this resource with a new one and brew a pot of clear water. You will need to do this process twice before filling the carafe with warm and sudsy water. You can also include rice in the water to serve as an abrasive. Make sure to give the pot a good scrubbing to get rid of any gunk build-up.

Once you have done everything, rinse the pot and wipe it dry. Do not forget to wipe the exteriors of the machine with a damp cloth as well. Now, you are on your way to enjoying delicious coffee.

Presented in this article is the best way to clean your coffee maker. This will help you to avoid the growth of unwanted germ and mold cultures in your coffee maker. Make sure that you do this on a fairly regular basis.


In the heat of summer, one cannot but look for the refreshing breeze of an air-conditioner. With the summer temperatures getting worse by the year, it is hardly surprising to find that these home appliances are more popular than ever.

When shopping for an air-conditioner, there are a number of things you need to pay attention to. This article briefly breaks each of these down into easily digestible tips. Hopefully, these will help you choose the one that best fits your needs.

Getting the Right Power Level

Before you start looking at the price and features of the different models, you will first need to have an idea regarding the size and power of your unit. This is vital as you would not want to get this one wrong. Keep in mind that the size of the unit is affected by factors like the size of the room you wish to cool and its location.

Typical window air conditioners have cooling capacities that can range from 5,000 to 12,500 British thermal units (Btu). To give you a better idea of how it works, remember the very basic rule: for every square foot of living space, you will need 20 Btu to effectively cool it.

Of course, this is not set in stone as the cooling ability of your unit is also affected by other factors. The unit location, the height of your ceiling as well as the size of the windows and doorways in your home are just a few examples of these.

To give you a better idea, let us look at a number of different scenarios. If you plan to put the unit in the kitchen, then you will need to add at least an additional 4,000 Btu to the unit capacity. Additionally, if you plan to place it in a room with more than two people, then you will need to add an additional 600 Btu for every additional person. Of course, it is also worth noting that you can reduce the unit capacity as needed. For instance, if the room you plan to put it in is heavily shaded then you can cut down the capacity by around 10 percent.

Getting the power level right is vital in more ways than one. Not only does it help you get a better idea of how much additional energy your unit will be consuming on a regular basis but it also helps you get a grasp of its optimal performance capacity.

Noise Level

Back in the day, air-conditioning units were pretty noisy. Now, most of the modern models feature some sort of noise reduction technology. This may seem insignificant for some people but light sleepers would tell you just how important this feature actually is. If you like your unit to be quiet, then you should definitely pay attention to their noise levels as indicated on the label.

This article presented a few things to pay attention to when shopping for an air-conditioning unit. Needless to say, it is vital that you keep these in mind.

Find more info here

Washing Machine

Buying the perfect washing machine for your needs is often easier said than done. After all, there are a lot of things to consider. This article seeks to make everything simpler by breaking down everything you need to take into consideration before making a purchase. Pay close attention as it is vital that you get the machine that can perfectly address your needs.

Laundry Space

Before anything else, when shopping for a washing machine, you need to always keep the condition and size of your laundry room in mind as this will definitely have an impact on your washing machine choice. That being said, you need to have an exact idea of how much space you have. It would be better if you take a tape measure and get the actual dimensions of your space. Additionally, you need to ensure that the floor of your laundry is properly reinforced. You certainly would not want any mishaps due to the weight of the machine.

If your laundry room is located in the middle of your home, then you may want to consider getting a quieter model. This is vital if you wish to avoid disruptions to your daily routine. There are washing machines now that that reduce the vibration and noise levels during their spin cycle.

Amount of Laundry

Your choice of a washing machine is directly affected by the amount of laundry you need to do. This is why the machine’s tub dimensions are vital. These range from 2.45 cubic feet up to 5.6 cubic feet. If you have a ton of laundry then you should not hesitate to get one of the larger models. Conversely, if it is only for your personal use, then you may find it more convenient to get a smaller size.


This is a practical concern that every one of us has to deal with. While it is a necessity to have your own washing machine, by no means does it mean having to overspend. There are certainly worthy models out there that you can get without having to break the bank. Remember, sticking to your budget does not necessarily mean sacrificing quality and performance.

It would also be smart to stick to plain white models as this can save you as much as $100 to $200, as opposed to buying the same machine in different colors. It is also worth noting that the traditional no-frill top loader washing machines are still among the most affordable options.

Energy and Water Consumption

As a basic rule of thumb, your Front loader washing machines will always use way less water than the traditional top loaders. This is because the latter need to be filled up entirely for the wash and rinse cycles to be completed.

It is also worth noting when looking at all great appliances website, that you pay attention to the power ratings indicated on the appliances label as they give you an idea of how much power the washing machine consumes with continued use.

This article presented a couple of important things to look into when shopping for a new washing machine. Keep these in mind so that you can get the one you truly need.

Pressure Cooker

Electric Pressure cookers have been around for quite some time now. However, the earliest models were hardly safe and were known to cause a number of kitchen accidents. Luckily, this is no longer the case as the latest advancements in technology and the culinary arts have brought pressure cookers back to the limelight. Without a doubt, these handy kitchen cooking appliances have certainly gone a long way as they are now indispensable parts of any self-respecting kitchen.

This article as well as this post delves into the benefits of having a pressure cooker right in your kitchen. It delves into the practical and health benefits that pressure cookers bring.

Saving time, money, and space

The best thing about having your own pressure cooker is the savings it gives you. This is true whether we are speaking of cooking time, money, or countertop space. Without a doubt, one would have a hard time naming another kitchen appliance that is as efficient as this one.

We are not exaggerating when we say that a pressure cooker is the quickest way to cook. It significantly cuts down cooking time by a huge margin. For instance, cooking a 2 kg chicken will only take you a measly 15 minutes with a handy pressure cooker. With any other cooking tool, that simply be impossible.

The secret lies in the way it does its cooking. By letting the pressure build from the steam in the pot, this appliance is able to cook food at temperatures well above the boiling point. More heat means faster cooking. In fact, it has been shown to cook at a rate 70% faster than other cooking methods

This leads us to the financial benefits of a pressure cooker. The appliance lets you save money by consuming 40% less on an electric stove or 75% on a gas stove. The less energy used the lower the bill. The minimal cost of a pressure cooker is certainly money well-spent.

Finally, this appliance can save you important kitchen appliance space. As you know, you need to be smart about the things you place in your kitchen. Otherwise, it would be nothing but clutter. Luckily, the pressure cooker is a well-designed versatile piece of equipment that can serve multiple purposes in the kitchen. Not only can it be used for its original purpose but it can also be used as a pot and as a pan.

Delicious and Healthy Meals

Of course, the savings you enjoy with your pressure cooker would essentially be worthless if the food it cooks does not taste good. Luckily, the method it uses guarantees that this is not the case. The sealed environment is the secret to ensuring that all the dishes prepared in a pressure cooker are both tasty and succulent. The method essentially prevents the loss of moisture in evaporation by locking in the flavor. The same principle also ensures that there is only a minimal loss of the vitamins, nutrients, and minerals normally found in food.

This article presented everything you need to know about pressure cookers and their benefits.

Water Filter

As you probably already know, it is more than likely that the tap water in your home is not all that safe to drink. This, then, presents a dilemma that must be resolved quickly. After all, water is an essential part of everyday life. Yet, buying bottled water for the rest of your days is hardly a solution. Not only is it impractical, it is also wholly unsustainable both for your finances and the environment.

This is why everyone needs to get their own water filter for their household. However, before going to the store and purchasing one for your coffee maker or tap water, readers need to understand that there are many water filter types. There are drinking filter and also water filers for coffee machines too. You should understand how each of them works so that you can make an informed buying decision. This article seeks to help you with that. It presents a brief overview of the different water filters their categories and explains what sets them apart from the others.

Carbon Water Filters

Carbon water filters are commonly used in households. The newest style used in Keurig coffee makers work very well to help purify water while one makes your favorite brew. Consider getting a keurig water filter if your water looks, smells or tastes bad. The activated carbon can do the trick to clean your water. The same can be said if wish to get rid of harmful elements like pesticides, herbicides, radon, and chlorine. However, these water filters will not be enough if you have salts, nitrates, nitrites, and metal contaminants in your water. Take note that the effectiveness of any carbon water filter unit depends on the amount of activated carbon it contains.

Water Distillers

Water distillers are the perfect type of water filter for people looking to purchase something handy and portable. This appliance can be conveniently placed on top of your sink and it can effectively remove the minerals, particles, salts, asbestos fibers, metals, organic chemicals, and other dissolved solids from your water.

These water distillers are able to do this by heating the tap water to a point where it turns into steam. Once that is done, it then works to condense the steam back into liquid form using a separate chamber. It filters the residue and the contaminants, effectively ensuring that nothing travels with the steam. However, it is worth noting that these distillers are best couples with a carbon filter. This is to ensure that all the chemical pollutants and all the bacteria are thoroughly removed.

The downside to these water filters, however, is the amount of electricity they consume in order to operate. The process itself also takes a significant amount of time as several hours will pass just for this appliance to produce a gallon of water.

Regardless, they are certainly worthy investments. You can get your own for around $80 to $400.

UV Water Purifiers

Ultraviolet (UV) disinfection water filters is another popular water filter option. They can be bought for no less than $150. These have been proven effective against bacteria and viruses. They can also effectively address problems with the taste and odor of water. However, there are still issues surrounding its inability to filter chemical pollutants.

This is a basic guide to the different types of water filters currently available in the market. Make sure that you keep this in mind when purchasing one for your home.

Leaf blower

Leaf blowers are an indispensable part of lawn care. All homeowners must understand the importance of this particular equipment. However, it needs to be stated here that not all leaf blowers are made the same. In fact, there are actually several subcategories to it.

To start, according to this source there are actually three main types of leaf blowers in the market today. Namely, these are the handheld, backpack, and walk behind leaf blowers. Though they essentially seek to perform the same purpose, the difference lies mainly in how they do it.

This article will try to explain every last bit of detail to help readers better understand the difference between the various leaf blower types. This is to help you make an informed decision with regards to the equipment you are going to get for yourself.

Handheld Leaf Blowers

Chances are, readers will be familiar with this particular type of leaf blower as the handheld variety is probably the most common of them all. They work perfectly if the lawn is under an acre of area. They can come equipped with either gas or electric fuel sources, with the former being the clear winner in terms of sheer power. This is because electric handheld blowers usually have 200 cfm of power while their gas counterparts can reach up to 400 cfm (with the exception of a dewalt blower that can go up to 400 cfm). Take note that you can also choose to go with a corded or cordless version if you decide to purchase an electric type handheld leaf blower.

While the handheld leaf blowers are the least powerful, they make up for it with affordability and reduced noise levels.

Backpack Blowers

Needless to say, Backpack blowers provide a significant upgrade from handhelds, at least, in terms of power. These would be perfect for some serious yard work. Consider getting one if you have a big patch of land, with an area more than a few acres.

Typically, backpack leaf blowers have about 4 times the power of their handheld counterparts. In fact, they can push close to 3,000 cfm. Some models are even known to reach air speeds upwards of 250 mph. However, it should be noted that most, if not all, of these leaf blowers, are powered by gasoline.

These backpack blowers pack enough punch to get any job done. From getting rid of large amounts of leaves and debris to clearing the path of rocks and trash, all you need to do is to strap it securely to your back and get on with it. This is vital in terms of increasing your efficiency and making those longer work sessions a lot more comfortable.

Of course, as a downside, these blowers are known to be extremely loud. This is to be expected considering the level of power it has.

This article provided readers with a discussion on the different types of the best leaf blower available on the market today. Remember the details closely and give it enough consideration. After all, it is vital that you get the right tool for the job.